09 Feb wake-up call to take financial responsibility
Cryptocurrency prices continue to fall, with Bitcoin prices hovering around CHF 8,000 from a high of CHF 18,000 over the summer.
Instead of buying a Lamborghini with their #profits, former cryptocurrency millionaires and their cryptokitties are sitting at home, hodling, praying.
For many, this is a wake-up call to take financial responsibility.Former Google Ventures partner Chris Hutchins just launched Grove, a human-powered financial planner for your life. The onboarding is beauuuuuutiful.
Instead of hunting through the internet, you can actually talk with the advisors at Grove on the phone (revolutionary!) and put together a plan.
There’s also Earny, a magical personal assistant that automatically gets you money back when prices drop at Amazon, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and others. They’ve raised over $10M to help you save. ?
Stop paying for subscriptions you never use. This powerful subscription canceller will find, monitor, and make it easy to cancel useless services.
Billshark‘s another ?-saving app, hated by cable companies. Sign up and they’ll negotiate your internet and TV bill for you. Sorry, Comcast. ?
Be like the money cat, and your Lamborghini will come.
Source – Product hunt (subscribe to their content- they are awesome!)