It is all about making a positive change in our community

our next events

Eine Million Sterne 2022 - Join Poverty Awareness Campaign

Eine Million Sterne 2022 - Join Poverty Awareness Campaign

17 December 2022 at Postplatz Zug at 16:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m.

Light a candle and have a drink for charity. Let’s get together to raise awareness against poverty in Central Switzerland. Every year on the same day and at the same hour, Caritas and its partners light a pattern of candles in awareness of poverty creeping on young families and children in Switzerland. JCI CS traditionally partners with Caritas in the campaign and hosts the event in the city of Zug. All proceeds go to Caritas Luzern projects benefitting children and young families in poverty from Central Switzerland. Volunteers to set up the candles pattern and pack up are welcome!   Every year people and guests of the City of Zug show solidarity and empathy by joining the Eine Million Sterne campaign. We are very proud to keep this tradition. Many thanks to all, and looking forward to seeing you. Afterward – drinks at Bar! #einemillionsterne #inlovewithzug #stadtzug #jci #sdg1.



Most of us have unstable – moving lives (which is so awesome) – but we have managed the challenge. Join us to see if being on JCI CS Board is for you!

Let’s brainstorm 2023 projects together! Help JCI Central Switzerland to keep making positive changes in the community.

Holidays are close. After our Charity Event we will end the year with some drinks, games, music and of course food at XALOC TAPAS Bar in Zug.
Let’s partayyyy

our past projects/events

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The core of JCI is the element of personal challenge. Step outside your comfort zone and think of something you’ve always wanted to do. Then commit to doing it.

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We motivate, support, embrace, encourage and uplift. And we do it all with open minds and hearts. Join us!

become a member/join our events

Are you 18-40 years old, would like to make a positive change in your community, network with other like minded people, & organise events?

We are looking for you..