One more time Bonding Against Poverty and We Need You – Volunteers for Eine Million Sterne in Zug 2017

As  a result of Eine Million Sterne in Zug in December 2016 JCI CS  could donate 950 chf to Caritas Luzern project supporting children in need from Central Switzerland. This year we are gathering again efforts to make another illumination at Bundesplatz Zug in show of solidarity against poverty together with more than 100 places around Switzerland at the same time on the same date – 16 December 2017 at 16:00 p.m.

We welcome volunteers to help the teams on 16.12.2017 to set up the candles and equipment, to light the candles and help with mulled wine stand, to clean up after the event.  You are welcome to join at any time from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. – just drop a message to the project team what time is good for you here –  You can learn more about our efforts from last year here –  EMS Zug 2016  and about Eine Million Sterne from Caritas here –

What else? All volunteers are welcome to go with us to grab some pizza afterwards at our chapter Seasonal Party with all the ensuing fun.