27 Oct Eine Million Sterne – It’s happening once more
Our mission of improving our environment and community, step by step, wherever we can, continues into this year with the participation in the Eine Million Sterne project of Caritas as a host in Zug.
We are proud to announce that JCI CS project team is well under-way with organizing the illumination on Saturday December 10th. 2016 at Bundesplatz Zug to be lit at 16hrs in sync with all the other participating locations throughout Switzerland to draw attention to the issue of poverty in the world. also year by year creeping in Switzerland and affecting young families and children and affecting young families and children. As the last time all the proceeds will go to support children in need in the area of Central Switzerland, a project administrated by Caritas Luzern
Last year was a great success and we are very thankful to the city of Zug, local community, guests and volunteers for the warm welcome. What started as a daring experiment of bringing Eine Million Sterne into the city of Zug for the first time turned into a beautiful event, even raising extra resources above our budget to donate to the project.
This year due to the popular demand we decided to double the amount of candles to allow guests build their own pattern next to ours, as well as give opportunity to decide on the second pattern – leave your wish in a comment here!
[arve url=”https://vimeo.com/148777152″ promote_link=”no” thumbnail=”10848″ title=”Eine Million Sterne video”/]
Setting up the extra pattern will start from 3 p.m., as well as sales of solidarity candles, collection of donations – and so will be open the Glühwein stand! We would like to welcome all of you to join us and share this beautiful moment – come to light a candle, have a cup of mulled wine and, even, help us set up the candle pattern! We are just an eclectic bunch of professionals, parents, office workers, entrepreneurs, start-uppers and whats’up group leaders – locals, expats, explorers – joined to make a life a bit brighter and contribute to the community which harboured us here.
Look in projects here for highlights of the last year event and the small video below. Follow progress on our blog here and facebook.
If you would like to help out this festive season and feel a little bit part of the community, come and join us at Eine Million Sterne in Zug.
We have still opportunities open for sponsorship and volunteers – contact us at projects@jci-centralswitzerland.ch. or just leave a message here
To learn more about poverty in Switzerland, we invite you to study more at the Caritas Luzern dedicated info pages http://www.armut-halbieren.ch/ andhttp://www.kinderarmut.ch/
Are you ready to dare2Act with us JCI Central Switzerland?