Chapter News – JULY

The good weather has finally arrived in Switzerland but, unfortunately, not everything is sunny this summer: almost daily, we receive news of terrible events. Our hearts go out to those stricken by these terrible tragedies.

It is sad that people, often quite young, can become so lost and feel so powerless and hopeless about their future that they throw their lives away in acts of senseless violence. It is the opposite of everything that we as Jaycees stand for and believe in.

We make a difference in the world without resorting to force and coercion, but with the power of our ideas, our passions, and our actions. We work hard to improve our communities. We encourage and help each other to become better people. We empower young people to deliver positive change. And we have fun while we do it. Let’s keep it up and continue to set positive examples in the world! In that spirit, I wish you all a great summer.


JCI Central Switzerland is moving forward – in addition to the voucher payment system, our chapter now accepts Bitcoin as a payment method. Our new unique and modern website is going online (a great big thank you to Yentl).

I am proud to report that 40% of our members attended the European Conference in Tampere where we also met Ronnie, president of our befriended chapter JCI Slagelse (Denmark). 80% of our members are already signed up for the European Conference 2017 in Basel.

A special thank you to Juha for being our Tampere tour guide and tirelessly promoting Basel! Our vice president, Zalina, is getting ready to kick off «Eine Million Sterne» 2016 and planning to not only repeat but to exceed the success of last year. I want to thank all our members for their active engagement!