Chapter News – APRIL

I’m happy to report that we hit the ground running this year.

We established a friendship with the JCI Slagelse in Denmark and look forward to meeting up with them in Tampere! We got operational issues out of the way, including launching our new voucher payment program (drastically reducing how much cash we have to handle for events) and kicking off a new website project (you will hear more about it soon!).

There’s still a lot to be done to make JCI Central Switzerland sustainable, most importantly, we need to attract new members and sponsors. We’re about to launch our initiative to get in touch with international businesses in Zug to let them know about JCI CS and the benefits of membership for their employees. Your help is appreciated!

Please talk to the respective committee heads to find a suitable task where you can help – Émely for Membership, Yentl for Marketing, Irene for Events and Elena for Sponsorship. Thank you for those who already volunteered!

Training Day Murten (20-21 May): At the JCI Switzerland General Assembly, JCI Sense See presented their very well thought-out plans for Training Day, which will be a great opportunity to build some skills while socializing with the broader JCI Switzerland community, including an awesome party. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so here:


First Quarter in Review January – Insights: After a review of 2015, the General Assembly thanked the 2015 Board for all their hard work and approved the program and budget for 2016. This was followed by famous radio voice Stephan Lendi giving us a light-hearted introduction to Insights where we learned about our colors (yellow, red, blue, and green). Stephan gave us great hints on how to work together so we don’t have be afraid to show our true colors!

February – Debating: At the second GA of this year – which we kept to 30 minutes! – we approved updated Bylaws and the Committee Heads gave an overview of their work and called for people to join. Following the business part, Lorenz Müller introduced us to Debating, JCI style, and threw us right into the water to see if we will swim by discussing hot topics like “Is Facebook a drug?” and “Should women be in charge?” It was great entertainment both for debaters and spectators. JCI Switzerland would be happy to see some of us participating in JCI Debating (English)!

March – Snow Day: After two meetings focused on skills, we recovered with a Saturday Snow Day in Stoos, completely with opportunities for skiing, sledging, and snowball fights! Your feedback is always welcome and will be taken into account for future events! Drop me a note anytime to let me know how you like 2016 at JCI Central Switzerland so far, what’s great and what we can do better.