Émely Steegstra-Hendrix is the mother of JCI Central Switzerland and well-known in JCI. Everywhere we go, she already has friends there. It’s easy...
At the 2016 JCI World Congress in Québec City, Canada, Chief Delegates and National Presidents from JCI Organizations from around the world will gather to...
On 15 September 2016, the 71st chapter of Junior Chamber International (JCI) in Switzerland, JCI Geneva International, was founded in Geneva. Georg Meyer,...
The good weather has finally arrived in Switzerland but, unfortunately, not everything is sunny this summer: almost daily, we receive news of terrible...
Baar Die internationale junge Wirtschaftskammer JCI CentralSwitzerland – Teil der weltweiten Junior Chamber international -besuchte im Mai die BitcoinSuisse AG in Baar. Nach einem sehr informativen Abend,...
I’m happy to report that we hit the ground running this year. We established a friendship with the JCI Slagelse in Denmark and look...