Networking, Workshops
About This Project

JCI Sense-See organized a fantastic 24 hour event at SBB Centre Löwenberg und at JCI Senate President Bruno Beutler’s dry dock (Marine Solutions AG in Muntelier). The event was kicked off with an apéro and speech by the organizers of the Eidgenössische Schwingfest 2016 and three-time Schwingerkönig Jörg Abderhalden. As is custom, this was followed by a party that went almost until breakfast. After said breakfast, some of us visited SBB while others went wake-boarding, practiced how to put out fires with the local fire brigade, or honed their leadership skills in a Dale Carnegie seminar. It was truly inspirational to see how one woman’s passion and drive (that would be Daniella «Murten-Lion-Heart» Grossen) brought together almost 150 people, including 40% of our members, for a thoroughly enjoyable day of fun and learning.